For controlling high cholesterol levels , medical experts commonly used drugs called statins . However, a number of studies have shown the association of statin use with the risk of diabetes mellitus (DM) .
Head of the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism Department of Internal Medicine Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital ( RSCM ) dr Em Yunir , SPPD KEMD said risk DM is in the class of statins in some patients do discontinue use. And he said , stopping treatment can be fatal because it will make the cholesterol increase again .
High cholesterol , particularly "bad" cholesterol or low density lipoprotein (LDL ) is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. If it is not controlled , LDL make a plaque in the blood vessels of the bloodstream long block that makes blood vessels vulnerable to rupture.
The rupture of blood vessels can lead to disability and death. If a ruptured blood vessel in the brain is the impact of stroke. As if it occurs in the blood vessels of the heart , blood vessels may break cause disturbances of cardiac function in heart failure.
Statins are a class of drugs that lower cholesterol to operate and maintain the stability of a blockage in the blood vessels. If the consumption of drugs called statins are stopped, then again an increase in cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
According Yunir , the benefits of statins outweigh the disadvantages . "Therefore, statin users should not stop using it , " he advised when met on Wednesday ( 11/09/2013 ) in Jakarta.
Yunir said, binding studies with statins DM showed no causal link . Instead , the study focused only on a survey of tens of thousands of people who were followed for 10 years. The result was an increase in the prevalence of diabetes among participants in statin users .
" But the study does not take into account other risk factors that play a role, such as smoking, physical activity, and others," he said .
Other studies added Yunir showed statin cessation indicate a higher than continue to take mortality. Most deaths caused by cardiovascular disease.
"In addition, even if it is exposed to DM patients on statins are also able to manage their diabetes with a blood sugar-lowering drug. Both treatments will not cause any adverse interactions ," he said .
On another occasion , Dr. Dyah Purnamasari , SPPD Endocrine Metabolism Division , Department of Internal Medicine RSCM said , cholesterol and diabetes is a collection of diseases that occur together .
When a person has diabetes , he said, in general cholesterol . This is because people with diabetes are more likely to have trouble cholesterol disorders of fat metabolism in the body.
Vice versa, if the high cholesterol , it must be searched and screened for DM . " The incidence of diabetes among users of cholesterol-lowering drugs ( statins) has also not escaped on the subject are also risk factors for diabetes," he said .
However, Dyah agreed with the benefits of statins are still much higher than the risks.
Head of the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism Department of Internal Medicine Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital ( RSCM ) dr Em Yunir , SPPD KEMD said risk DM is in the class of statins in some patients do discontinue use. And he said , stopping treatment can be fatal because it will make the cholesterol increase again .
High cholesterol , particularly "bad" cholesterol or low density lipoprotein (LDL ) is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. If it is not controlled , LDL make a plaque in the blood vessels of the bloodstream long block that makes blood vessels vulnerable to rupture.
The rupture of blood vessels can lead to disability and death. If a ruptured blood vessel in the brain is the impact of stroke. As if it occurs in the blood vessels of the heart , blood vessels may break cause disturbances of cardiac function in heart failure.
Statins are a class of drugs that lower cholesterol to operate and maintain the stability of a blockage in the blood vessels. If the consumption of drugs called statins are stopped, then again an increase in cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
According Yunir , the benefits of statins outweigh the disadvantages . "Therefore, statin users should not stop using it , " he advised when met on Wednesday ( 11/09/2013 ) in Jakarta.
Yunir said, binding studies with statins DM showed no causal link . Instead , the study focused only on a survey of tens of thousands of people who were followed for 10 years. The result was an increase in the prevalence of diabetes among participants in statin users .
" But the study does not take into account other risk factors that play a role, such as smoking, physical activity, and others," he said .
Other studies added Yunir showed statin cessation indicate a higher than continue to take mortality. Most deaths caused by cardiovascular disease.
"In addition, even if it is exposed to DM patients on statins are also able to manage their diabetes with a blood sugar-lowering drug. Both treatments will not cause any adverse interactions ," he said .
On another occasion , Dr. Dyah Purnamasari , SPPD Endocrine Metabolism Division , Department of Internal Medicine RSCM said , cholesterol and diabetes is a collection of diseases that occur together .
When a person has diabetes , he said, in general cholesterol . This is because people with diabetes are more likely to have trouble cholesterol disorders of fat metabolism in the body.
Vice versa, if the high cholesterol , it must be searched and screened for DM . " The incidence of diabetes among users of cholesterol-lowering drugs ( statins) has also not escaped on the subject are also risk factors for diabetes," he said .
However, Dyah agreed with the benefits of statins are still much higher than the risks.
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