XTRA DIET: Prepare Fail plan if things are still 5: There is no denying that poor diet can make you gain weight. There are some daily habits that you realize that you run the wrong diet. In ...
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XTRA DIET: Prepare Fail plan if things are still 5
Posted by Jack Akhmad
on Tuesday, January 28, 2014,
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XTRA DIET: Prepare Fail plan if things are still 5
XTRA DIET: Prepare Fail plan if things are still 5: There is no denying that poor diet can make you gain weight. There are some daily habits that you realize that you run the wrong diet. In ...
Thank you to read the article "XTRA DIET: Prepare Fail plan if things are still 5" after my last update, entitled "" in XTRA NEWS AND HEALTH blog.
Thank you to read the article "XTRA DIET: Prepare Fail plan if things are still 5" after my last update, entitled "" in XTRA NEWS AND HEALTH blog.
Posted by Jack Akhmad
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XTRA DIET: Prepare Fail plan if things are still 5
XTRA DIET: Prepare Fail plan if things are still 5: There is no denying that poor diet can make you gain weight. There are some daily habits that you realize that you run the wrong diet. In ...
Thank you to read the article "XTRA DIET: Prepare Fail plan if things are still 5" after my last update, entitled "" in XTRA NEWS AND HEALTH blog.
Thank you to read the article "XTRA DIET: Prepare Fail plan if things are still 5" after my last update, entitled "" in XTRA NEWS AND HEALTH blog.
Posted by Jack Akhmad
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Unexpected benefits of massage
Massage has been known as a method of treatment for thousands of years before. So far, a massage is still the mainstay of most people to get a better body fit and healthy.
Massage has many benefits, such as the smooth blood circulation and help relieve pain. But there are also benefits that are not yet know this activity. Well , here are six of the unexpected benefits of massage you need to know.
1 . Massage helps to cure migraines.
If your migraine often , maybe a massage can be selected. Researchers at the University of Auckland found that there was an improvement in severity of migraine and sleep quality in patients with migraine after receiving massage therapy for several weeks.
2 . Massage helps relieve the pain after exercise
Researchers have indicated that massage therapy reduces inflammation in muscles derived from sports . The original Buck Institute for Research on Ageing Studies and McMaster University in Ontario found that the way to cure inflammation massage is similar to how anti -inflammatory drugs.
3 . Massages are ageless
The massage improves blood circulation and a gentle massage of the face is able to make it more healthy and youthful. Kimara Ahnert according to a skin expert , Massage able to fight against sagging skin and adds vitality to dull skin .
4 . Relieve premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
PMS is a problem that most women each month. The good news , massages can help relieve symptoms. According to the study of the origin of the Touch Research Institute and the University of Miami Medical School , Massage can fight mood swings , bloating, headaches , weight gain and other symptoms of PMS .
5 . Massage is beneficial in curing chronic pain
Nancy M. Porambo , certified massage therapist contrast, patients with chronic pain of joint disease feel better after a couple of times a massage with a special method .
6 . Reduce side effects of cancer
Boston researchers found that cancer patients experience an improvement in the quality of life in general. The patient was able to sleep better and feel the pain they feel lighter .
Similarly, a 2004 study at Memorial Sloan -Kettering Cancer Center , New York. The study found that massage therapy reduces symptoms such as pain , nausea , fatigue , depression and stress in cancer patients .
Massage has many benefits, such as the smooth blood circulation and help relieve pain. But there are also benefits that are not yet know this activity. Well , here are six of the unexpected benefits of massage you need to know.
1 . Massage helps to cure migraines.
If your migraine often , maybe a massage can be selected. Researchers at the University of Auckland found that there was an improvement in severity of migraine and sleep quality in patients with migraine after receiving massage therapy for several weeks.
2 . Massage helps relieve the pain after exercise
Researchers have indicated that massage therapy reduces inflammation in muscles derived from sports . The original Buck Institute for Research on Ageing Studies and McMaster University in Ontario found that the way to cure inflammation massage is similar to how anti -inflammatory drugs.
3 . Massages are ageless
The massage improves blood circulation and a gentle massage of the face is able to make it more healthy and youthful. Kimara Ahnert according to a skin expert , Massage able to fight against sagging skin and adds vitality to dull skin .
4 . Relieve premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
PMS is a problem that most women each month. The good news , massages can help relieve symptoms. According to the study of the origin of the Touch Research Institute and the University of Miami Medical School , Massage can fight mood swings , bloating, headaches , weight gain and other symptoms of PMS .
5 . Massage is beneficial in curing chronic pain
Nancy M. Porambo , certified massage therapist contrast, patients with chronic pain of joint disease feel better after a couple of times a massage with a special method .
6 . Reduce side effects of cancer
Boston researchers found that cancer patients experience an improvement in the quality of life in general. The patient was able to sleep better and feel the pain they feel lighter .
Similarly, a 2004 study at Memorial Sloan -Kettering Cancer Center , New York. The study found that massage therapy reduces symptoms such as pain , nausea , fatigue , depression and stress in cancer patients .
Posted by Jack Akhmad
on Monday, January 6, 2014,
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Sinusitis, could endanger the long-term brain
Environmental problems and exposure to unhealthy air and endurance are any less fit may be affected by sinusitis. Disorders of the respiratory tract caused by bacteria or viruses , may affect long-term organ of the eye and brain.
" Sinus cavity close to vital organs such as the eyes and brain. Complications can be the eyes and brain infections ," said Mirta H Reksodiputro , an ear specialist , specialist in nose, throat and Clinic integrated asthma , sinusitis and allergies (ASA ) RS Asri Jakarta, Saturday.
Sinusitis is characterized by complaints of persistent ripple in the throat, stuffy nose, very often, and headaches . Typically, the color white thick mucus and if it is a long yellow to green to signify that grow bacteria / virus.
Allergies can cause infections or sinusitis due to the emergence of the trigger inflammation or inflammation of tonsils rear nose . Accordingly , the output of secretions or body fluids can not exit through the nose and passed through the channel nasofarink . It causes throat still feels no ripple / fluid.
The appearance of the virus fluid obtained from the air . " If bacteria can of air and other infections, such as dental caries or perforated , can lead to sinusitis because germs can reach the sinus cavities ," said Mirta after the launch of clinical ASA RS Asri integrated .
This fluid is a favorite place for a virus or bacteria. Therefore, to overcome given the treatment of inflammatory disorders. If this is not successful , surgery may be performed.
For sinusitis caused by the impact of allergies , allergens must be found and resolved. This can be done by allergy tests .
In addition, healthy behaviors , such as exercise, is also highly recommended to improve physical fitness. A healthy environment , as the bedroom and the sun should be on change of linen once a week , an added value for improving health.
Meanwhile, others , Hadiarto Mangunnegoro , lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine , University of Indonesia and the pulmonary physician at the hospital Asri explains , sinusitis and severe allergies can cause asthma difficult to control and relapse more often than usual .
"According to research, adult asthma tend classified as difficult to treat. Consequently, they are less asthma control , as well as other diseases, such as allergies and sinuses ( sinusitis) severe , which led to asthma more severe , " he said .
Other diseases that can trigger asthma becomes severe and difficult to control the disease is gastroesophageal reflux (gastro -intestinal ) , obesity, impaired function of sound cards , psychic , allergic disorders routes respiratory and severe sleep disorders (OSA) .
Posted by Jack Akhmad
on Saturday, January 4, 2014,
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Distinguish sinusitis and colds
Cold, including common symptoms suffered in the transition period as it is now . However, if you do a lot of mucus and nasal symptoms do not disappear within a week , it is likely a sinus infection .
Sinusitis occurs if one or more layers of infected sinuses. The infection can be caused by viruses , bacteria and fungi. Two-thirds of sinusitis usually occurs short, but there is also a chronic or repeatedly .
Here are the signs of runny nose is not a simple cold :
1 . Pain and distress face
The sinuses are cavities in the bones around the nose are . When the nasal cavity is low , there will be accumulation of mucus that arise and pain on his face.
A blockage in the sinuses and can also cause inflammation of the muscles around the temples and pink forehead causing pain to the head.
2 . viscous mucus
Discharge of mucus thick yellow or greenish is the main sinus infection sign. This mucus caused by white blood cells as a sign of immune system of the body is fighting an infection.
3 . swollen nose
The bacteria proliferate in the sinus cavity will cause swelling . Although unusual nasal swelling experienced by people who suffer salesma or flu, sinusistis swelling usually lasts longer.
4 . Bad breath
Bad breath is not pleasant to sinusitis symptoms resulting from accumulated in the sinuses and nasal cavity and throat mucus. Organisms cause sinus infections produce effluent that causes bad breath.
5 . phlegm cough
Phlegm cough is usually followed by a sinus infection . What distinguishes bronchitis is a cough is worse at night and early morning. This happens because at the time the sinuses drain the fluid in the throat if it stimulates cough receptors .
6 . fever
The experienced fever occurs because the immune system fight infection. In general, in the case of fever sinus infection is not high , but it also indicates a long-standing infection .
7 . The sense of smell does not work
A sinus infection can dull the sense of smell due to inflammation that occurs .
8 . watery eyes
If you are allergic to inhaled allergens such as pollen , animal dander , or dust mites, the body will take the form of harmful particles. Resistance resulting reaction allergy symptoms are usually in the form of nasal congestion and watery eyes. This immune response can lead to sinusitis.
Posted by Jack Akhmad
on Friday, January 3, 2014,
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Antibiotics not effective for Sinusitis
Sinusitis is short- term (acute) was less effective if addressed with antibiotics. This is because most of sinusitis is usually caused by viral infection or allergy .
In a study Dr.Jane Garbutt , researchers and pediatricians School of Medicine, University of Washington , found that antibiotic treatment does not speed healing of sinusitis.
"We did a randomized trial in adult patients with acute sinusitis. With respect to the administration of placebo had no difference with antibiotic treatment , "said Garbutt .
However, about one in five antibiotic prescriptions in circulation in the United States proved to be to treat sinusitis .
" Acute sinusitis is not fun . So most people would like to eliminate the disease and antibiotics are thought to accelerate healing. Done , sinusitis is most commonly caused by a viral infection antibiotics are not many help , " he said .
Sinusitis is an inflammation which occurs in the wall of the sinus . Near the eye pain, headaches and difficulty breathing are common symptoms suffered. Colds and allergies are the most common cause of sinusitis , although sometimes triggered by bacteria.
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Antibiotics not effective for Sinusitis |
According to the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, antibiotic treatment is intended only for sinusitis with moderate or severe symptoms. Give antibiotics wrongly feared increased resistance to antibiotics.
The research Garbutt and his team attended 166 patients with acute sinusitis. They dibangi into two groups , namely who got an antibiotic and placebo aka obtain drugs that have no active substance.
" Most people who suffer from acute sinusitis heal itself without medication. , But they feel if it does not receive antibiotics can do nothing ," said Dr. Richard Lebowitz , ENT specialist.
In fact, according to him, there are many things you can do to speed the healing of sinusitis. For example , the face or heats through a decongestant drug is sprayed into the nasal passages .
" Infection of the upper respiratory tract usually occurs one or two weeks. Necessary treatments tailored to symptoms. , But if his complaint to survive more than two weeks , you should consult your doctor ," said Lebowitz .
Posted by Jack Akhmad
on Wednesday, January 1, 2014,
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