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Sinusitis, could endanger the long-term brain

Environmental problems and exposure to unhealthy air and endurance are any less fit may be affected by sinusitis. Disorders of the respiratory tract caused by bacteria or viruses , may affect long-term organ of the eye and brain.

" Sinus cavity close to vital organs such as the eyes and brain. Complications can be the eyes and brain infections ," said Mirta H Reksodiputro , an ear specialist , specialist in nose, throat and Clinic integrated asthma , sinusitis and allergies (ASA ) RS Asri Jakarta, Saturday.

Sinusitis is characterized by complaints of persistent ripple in the throat, stuffy nose, very often, and headaches . Typically, the color white thick mucus and if it is a long yellow to green to signify that grow bacteria / virus.

Allergies can cause infections or sinusitis due to the emergence of the trigger inflammation or inflammation of tonsils rear nose . Accordingly , the output of secretions or body fluids can not exit through the nose and passed through the channel nasofarink . It causes throat still feels no ripple / fluid.


The appearance of the virus fluid obtained from the air . " If bacteria can of air and other infections, such as dental caries or perforated , can lead to sinusitis because germs can reach the sinus cavities ," said Mirta after the launch of clinical ASA RS Asri integrated .

This fluid is a favorite place for a virus or bacteria. Therefore, to overcome given the treatment of inflammatory disorders. If this is not successful , surgery may be performed.

For sinusitis caused by the impact of allergies , allergens must be found and resolved. This can be done by allergy tests .

In addition, healthy behaviors , such as exercise, is also highly recommended to improve physical fitness. A healthy environment , as the bedroom and the sun should be on change of linen once a week , an added value for improving health.

Meanwhile, others , Hadiarto Mangunnegoro , lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine , University of Indonesia and the pulmonary physician at the hospital Asri explains , sinusitis and severe allergies can cause asthma difficult to control and relapse more often than usual .

"According to research, adult asthma tend classified as difficult to treat. Consequently, they are less asthma control , as well as other diseases, such as allergies and sinuses ( sinusitis) severe , which led to asthma more severe , " he said .

Other diseases that can trigger asthma becomes severe and difficult to control the disease is gastroesophageal reflux (gastro -intestinal ) , obesity, impaired function of sound cards , psychic , allergic disorders routes respiratory and severe sleep disorders (OSA) .

1 Response to "Sinusitis, could endanger the long-term brain"

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